
Ayurvedic cure for a real interlude brimming in relaxation and well-being

Ayurveda originated in India over 5,000 years ago. This traditional medicine, recognised by the World Health Organisation, has since spread to all four corners of the globe. In Sri Lanka, it has a special place in health care practices. What is the purpose? Restoring balance between emotions, the physical and the mental. The Ayurvedic cure is perfect for reconnecting with yourself and experiencing a deep sense of well-being. 

A woman meditating

A comprehensive approach for deep and lasting relaxation

In this holistic form of medicine, one of the oldest in the world, people are the focal point. Body and mind are intertwined and must be considered of equal importance. The wise Indian scholars behind this practice discovered that all living beings are made up of five fundamental elements. There is ether (or space), earth, air, water and fire. These elements will themselves be expressed in three vital forces or doshas: vita, pitta and kapha. Striking a perfect balance between these forces is essential for good health.

During an Ayurvedic cure, the experts will provide treatments to preserve or restore this balance. For several days, it is a matter of alternating between oil massages, stimulating treatments but also yoga and balanced meals. A genuine relaxing break during which the person’s timetable is completely handled by the centre. Disconnected, without a care in the world, the mind and body finally relax. 

Sri Lankan monks.

A bespoke treatment programme

Treatment usually begins with a consultation. The Ayurvedic doctor asks all the questions necessary to understand the person. Lifestyle, sleep habits, metabolism, possible illnesses... Everything is examined during this thorough medical review. Through this examination, the dosha profile is accurately established. This information is essential for building a treatment programme that is perfectly adapted to the needs of the patients. The week of wellness can then begin.

At sunrise, a yoga class for those who wish to do so. In the calm and soft light of the morning, the body slowly wakes up. The class often ends with a moment of meditation to make peace with your thoughts. Then the day continues to the rhythm of the treatments in charge of stimulating the energy points of the body. During the shirodhara, a trickle of warm oil is poured over a specific part of the forehead. In this liquid, plants have been infused according to the dosha profile of the curist. The warmth of the air is soothing. The whole body can also benefit from this recipe with full body massages called abhyanga.

However, more tonic care and treatment rituals can also be scheduled. Here the search for balance is everywhere, including at meal times. Foods and spices are carefully selected for their beneficial effects on the body. It is said that the food is so tasty that even the most reluctant vegetarians cannot help themselves! 

A woman eating ayurveic food

Make sure you choose Sri Lanka for its expertise and dreamlike surroundings

Taking time to rest, going for slow walks or simply enjoying the nature all around; each and every one of these essential activities for a good cure are even more enjoyable in Sri Lanka. In the shade of the tropical forest, a gentle stroll can become a wonderful exploration. Whereas in front of the mountain it is immediately much more obvious to connect with your body during the yoga class. Some Ayurvedic centres have preferred to open near the sea. Between treatments, you can read on the beach or cool off in the turquoise water. Whatever the setting, beauty and nature are an integral part of the experience.

After a few days of invigorating replenishment, the benefits are immediately felt. Energy, restful sleep and absolute relaxation are the benefits most often expressed by the curists. Those who have come to consult with back pain, joint pain or digestive problems leave relieved. The interlude of relaxation allows the body and mind to reset. Once you have calmed down and got back on track, it is time to go back to your everyday life.

Woman running in Sri Lankan nature

Where can you visit to enjoy an Ayurvedic cure?

Several clinics and centres offer Ayurvedic treatment. Scattered across the whole island, they are all sat in the heart of a unique setting. You can choose according to your desires (beach or forest) but also depending on the minimum duration of treatment or the activities proposed. 


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