
Sri Lanka, the new surfer's paradise

It is said that it was the Australians who first brought surfing to the beaches of Sri Lanka. Today, this new destination could well be the new favorite among international surfers. Let’s take a short dive into the turquoise waves of the Indian Ocean, a new Eden for surfing enthusiasts. 

Surfing in all seasons

The rainfall in Sri Lanka divides the year into two periods. You’ll have to adapt to this two-speed weather pattern if you're hoping to surf on the Indian Ocean. From December to March, the western side of the island has its dry season and offers the best surfing conditions. The waves of the east coast then take over from April to September. A perfect alternative to enjoy the surf all year round or almost all year round. But the well-kept secret for the country’s seasoned surfers is the “sweet spot” period. In January and February, while Europe is getting colder and colder, the sun shines bright on Sri Lanka. The turquoise water reaches 28° and the wind comes mainly from inland. Ideal conditions for an unforgettable surf trip.

Surfers jumping into the water

Waves to be shared between beginners and pros

From spots suitable for novices still trying to catch their first waves for those who already know how to read the currents, the island offers an impressive range of possibilities for all surfing enthusiasts. 

In Weligama, the waves break and form quickly. On these two kilometers of sandy beach and shallow waters, beginners can easily get on their board... Before falling off and starting all over again. The gentle swell provides an ideal environment for learning basic surfing techniques. 

Located a few kilometers to the south, Mirissa Bay is a postcard setting. In a landscape of palm trees, crystal-clear water and a crescent moon beach, experienced surfers ride the reef break. Between catching waves, the local inhabitants often come to greet the visitors with their little beaks. Who will catch the wave better, the turtle or the surfer ?

Further north, the town of Midigama is home to not one but five surf spots. The most famous, Lazy Left, sometimes hosts some great local competitions. With its left wave on a deep reef, it is essential to know how to turn before trying to catch the wave. Just before nightfall, you can head to Coconuts for a late, sunset session. Lazy Right, Rams and Plantations have also earned their place in the top surf spots in Sri Lanka. 

But the island's must-see is still Hikkaduwa. This seaside resort located about 100 km from Colombo is very popular with surfers, but also with swimmers and travelers. At Man Reef the waves are perfect for beginners. Only experienced surfers, however, try out the two-meter-long rollers of Bennys. 

Between April and September, the east coast of the island steals the show. Arugam Bay, formerly a small fishing village, has become the place to be for all warm weather surfers. In this surfing town, traditional houses and surf shops can be found along the roadside. In the evening, travelers from all over the world meet for a drink to exchange stories and tips. This small town has a relaxed and friendly vibe and a magical atmosphere.


Want to try surfing in Sri Lanka ?

For novices dreaming of hitting the waves, the island has many surf schools. You can take a lesson of one to one and a half hours, during which an instructor will help beginners learn the basics of this demanding but rewarding sport. Riding the wave, reading the current, standing up, turning... All these techniques have to be mastered before tackling bigger rollers. Experienced surfers will be able to take up this challenge after renting their boards from one of the country's resorts. 

Early morning is still the best time of the day to take to the water. Between 6am and 9am, a few brave and passionate souls share the waves tinted with the inimitable colours of the sunrise. The light wind adds the perfect finishing touch to this idyllic setting. However, the end of the day is also a great and picturesque time for a surf.

Surfers at sunset


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